As the Lunar Year draws to an end whilst the Astrological Year moves into its last quarter, this season makes for a perfect time to take a short pause and milestone check-in.
My name is
I am the creator of Transmission Wellness, a transformative and experiential third space created for all forms of expression and contemplation, ultimately to encourage and empower everyone I interact with to find their own personal voice and take up their rightful space in the world.

I have been extremely blessed with plenty of opportunities and interactions that have allowed me to build Transmission Wellness to be all that it is, now close to the three years I’ve been in the exploration of my various beloved modalities and craft.
It has been such a beautiful journey through uncountable intimate conversations I’ve been able to have, with all of you who have so graciously opened up spaces for me to share the love I have for my practice, that has brought me to where I am today.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude in the way my introverted heart knows best, by holding space for you and your team in a private wellness session in my home studio at Craig Road.
I would love to have you join me in this private session as I celebrate a new milestone with the launch of a tender personal project called Journey to Fulfilment, all to provide emotional nourishment, recentering, and a beautiful homecoming to your heart and soul.
This would be a lovely opportunity to reconnect with some of you whom I haven’t gotten to spend a bit more time with during the events we’ve met, and for all of you who would like to better understand how it feels like to be a recipient of the services you’ve so kindly allowed me to share with your communities, now for yourselves.
I would love to host a group of no more than 10 individuals, from your team, and maybe even important stakeholders who have been of support to your team whom you’d like to share my work with, at a date and time of your choosing. Imagine an intimate gathering to celebrate the successes of your team and collaborator’s efforts, through a hearty gathering in sound baths, guided journaling, and personal aura paintings to take home.
You may RSVP through the calendar below with your team members names and emails for notification, whenever you’re ready, and I’ll see you when all within the cosmos aligns <3