There is an affinity with every single person, interaction, and place we get to experience in our lives.

Not everything is cast in stone and we have autonomy in inspiring certain courses that would play out in our lives.

In this season, I’d love to draw attention to our innermost loving parts of ourselves.

Our shared love for others will always help us better understand and grow into versions of ourselves we sometimes can’t find in solitude.

There always is wisdom in the relationships we share with others and the constant rediscovery of ourselves in relationships.

With this beautiful offering of a remote reading, you’ve received an Aura Painting with keywords to inspire mindful and fulfilling changes for the upcoming season in your life!

If you would like to receive

💫 a digital copy of your Aura Painting with your name

💫 a couple’s Aura Painting with yours and your partner’s auras combined together

💫 a voice recording of your personal Aura Reading

Kindly send a photo of your Aura Painting (and if needed your partner’s) to +65 8908 9616 on WhatsApp to be able to receive all of these additional gifts.

Auras are energetic fields that illustrate your current state of being. They come in different colors, intensities and shapes.

Understand your overall state of being through a voice recorded aura reading to work through improving your overall state of being.

Get ready to understand yourself better, find and regain balance in your spiritual, emotional and mental well-being.

My name is


I am the creator of Transmission Wellness, a transformative and experiential third space created for all forms of expression and contemplation, ultimately to encourage and empower everyone I interact with to find their own personal voice and take up their rightful space in the world.

If you’d love to receive a full live session with me and if our schedules align, do feel free to book in with the code 20FORCLARITY for 20% off your first booking!